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What Is Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a holistic form of natural medicine that seeks to find and treat the underlying cause of disease. The foundation of this belief is that our body has an innate ability to heal itself, as long as the right environment and nutrients are provided.

For a deeper understanding of health, Naturopathy not only considers the physical signs and symptoms, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. From here a unique and personalised treatment plan is tailored to suit each individual.

Modern Naturopathic treatment is science based, whilst still preserving the wisdom, knowledge and practices of ancient and traditional natural medicine.

With the use of natural remedies that are easily utilised by the body, Bronwyn may prescribe supplements, herbal remedies, along with lifestyle and dietary advice.

Initial Consultation

In an initial consultation Bronwyn will take a full case history including family history, your personal history, medication and supplements you are taking, or have previously taken.

To provide a holistic understanding of your health, questions that may seem unrelated or unusual may be asked. Bronwyn will check all your body systems to evaluate their function, to better identify contributing factors to your current wellness.

The consultation will take 60-90 minutes and includes some examinations including iridology, skin, hair, tongue and nail analysis, blood pressure and others that may be relevant to your situation. In addition, you may be referred to your GP for further tests.

A return consultation will take 30-60 minutes, to review how you have responded to your treatments, implement the next step in your treatment plan and discuss any new issues that may be affecting you.


What Naturopathic Medicine Can Improve

Many illnesses can be linked to imbalance within the body. Imbalances can stem from a variety of factors including our environment, diet, lifestyle and the thoughts we are thinking. Many symptoms experienced today in our fast, stress-filled world, such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, allergies and frequent colds, are physiological signs of imbalance within the body.

Naturopathic medicine seeks to find the underlying cause of a condition and restore balance, creating whole-patient wellness, rather than focusing solely on the symptoms.

Increasing overall health and vitality, the benefits of Naturopathic medicine are many, including increased energy, improved concentration, less stress and anxiety, more restful sleep, balanced metabolism, weight loss, reduced pain, heightened immunity, improved digestion, as well as a greater enthusiasm and enjoyment of life.

Naturopathic Medicine can treat a wide variety of health conditions and medical symptoms.

Acute conditions such as colds and flu, gastrointestinal complaints, allergies, hay fever, back pain, nausea, diarrhoea, hot flushes, kidney infection, candida, kidney stones, bronchitis, headaches, stress and emotional grief.

Chronic conditions such as migraine, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, gout, allergies, asthma, anaemia, chronic fatigue syndrome , post viral fatigue, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, weight management and metabolic syndrome.

Cardiac conditions including hypertension, elevated cholesterol, heart disease, stroke prevention, varicose veins.

Autoimmune conditions including lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s disease, Grave’s disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and coeliac disease.

Skin conditions including eczema, acne, dermatitis, allergic rashes.

Digestive disturbances including constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), candida, food allergies, haemorrhoids, gas and bloating.

Female conditions including premenstrual stress (PMS), menstrual discomfort, menopause, yeast infection, infertility, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Male conditions including prostate enlargement, impotence, andropause, and infertility.

One of the main principles of Naturopathy is “prevention is better than cure”. Naturopathic medicine offers the education and tools to empower people to improve their health and prevent disease.

There are many conditions that can benefit from Naturopathic Medicine.
If your condition is not included in this list, please enquire to see how Naturopathic Medicine can benefit you.

"Prevention is better than Cure"

- Naturopathic Principle


Elements of Naturopathy


Food plays a huge role in our day to day lives, providing us with energy and nutrients, as well as comfort, social interaction and entertainment. Good nutrition is essential for the healthy function of every cell in the body, affecting our health both physically and mentally. The benefits of good nutrition are many including healthy weight, increased energy levels, positive mood and good quality sleep.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs have been used for many thousands of years and were valued for health and wellbeing by many ancient civilisations. Over time human societies have observed both the good and bad effects of rubbing, eating, or drinking extracts from the roots, leaves and berries of various plants. In some cultures, only a select one or two (such as the shaman or medicine man) would have the knowledge of their medicinal properties and how to prepare herbs for healing. While in other communities,especially throughout Europe, every village and rural community had knowledge of their local herbs and their medicinal use, which was passed on from one generation to the next.


Iridology is the study of health by observing the colour, structure and markings of the iris.

The iris is the part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and gives the eye its colour.

Through numerous nerve reflex connections, the iris is connected to every tissue and organ of the body. In this way the iris is considered a map of the body, reflecting the health and integrity of tissues throughout the body.

Like fingerprints, no two irises are alike. By studying the colour and structure of the iris, the physical constitution including strengths and weaknesses, personality traits and behavioural characteristics can be observed.

Iridology is primarily used as a tool to observe the constitutional strengths and weaknesses inherited from our mother, father, grandparents and great grandparents. In this way we see the gifts and challenges we have been born with which may, or may not be activated, depending on how one chooses to live including lifestyle, diet and psycho-social factors.

Flower Essences

Healing with flowers is not new. It is believed that flower essences have been used by many cultures to treat emotional imbalances for thousands of years.

In 1932, Dr Edward Bach founder of the "Bach Flower Remedies", developed the method of preparation and use of modern flower essences using the flowering plants of England.

Since then, with the world wide interest in the healing properties of flower essences, many countries have prepared flower remedies from their country’s natural flora and Australia is no exception.


Bronwyn Carroll Naturopath

& Archetypal Healing

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