On Friday 19th November, we have a Full moon at 27° Taurus, that will also birth a new, 2 year eclipse cycle on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. This full moon will also be a lunar eclipse, giving the moon a reddish hue, commonly referred to as a blood moon. Full moons are usually highly charged with energy, but eclipses turbo charge the intensity of the moon, and this is why eclipses are associated with drama, heightened emotions, worry, concern, fear, and abrupt, or sudden change. Eclipses come in pairs, separated by two weeks, so we will have a solar eclipse on Saturday 4th December, marking the end of the nodal Gemini / Sagittarius axis. The time of the exact eclipse and the time between these two eclipses is a time of heightened sensitivity, and can bring about a sense that time is speeding up.
Full moon energy invites us to explore what we need to release and let go, in order to stay in alignment with our intentions. The nodal interaction at eclipse time amplifies these themes, adding a karmic, or destiny vibe to the energy, illuminating what has been brewing beneath the surface. This time is associated with realisations, or awakenings, and can be a time of sudden shifts and changes. For some, doors open up, there is temporary access to something that was previously unavailable, or it may be a time of extreme creativity. For others, some doors may be slamming shut, or there is an unsteady break in rhythm, or daily patterns.
The eclipse season can often have a sense of wildness about it, however this particular eclipse season is further intensified by a few other planetary placements, also bringing up the themes and archetypes surrounding birth, death, transformation, authentic desire, alignment with correct choice and action, and may enhance your ability to truly get in touch with the significance of what is surfacing in your life at this time.
Eclipses are not a time to be afraid, nor are they a time to race out and take action. It’s a time for observation, increased awareness, and realignment. As much as possible, it is a time to take a step back and see what surfaces, see what messages the universe is sharing with you. For some, there may be sudden disruption, or change, this too is a part of the realignment process. After the solar eclipse, you will have a new perspective and this is the time to start moving forward with your fresh, new insights.
Let’s explore the eclipse season and it’s archetypal themes in more detail.
So What is an Eclipse?
There are two types of eclipse; the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse - A solar eclipse happens at the time of the new moon, when the sun and the moon are in the same location. The moon passes between the sun and the earth and temporarily covers a part of the sun.
Lunar Eclipse - The lunar eclipse happens at the time of the full moon, when the sun and the moon are opposite one another, so the earth is perfectly wedged between the sun and the moon. The shadow of the earth cast onto the moon at this time, turns the moon a reddish colour, commonly known as a blood moon. The nodes of the moon are the points represented by the highest and lowest point of the moons path on the ecliptic. When the lunar nodes, sun and moon align, we get eclipses.
Our ancestors revered the sun for its life giving energy and the moon for its comfort, nurturing and mysterious light in the dark of night. Building their life around the seasons, and the cycles of the sun and moon, eclipses where considered extremely frightening times, especially when they occurred during the day and the sky temporarily went dark as the moon blocked the rays of the sun. This is most likely the earliest association with eclipses being times of fear, worry and concern.
Exploring The Archetypes of the Sun, Moon and Nodes
The luminaries, the sun and the moon represent our inner and outer worlds. Much like day and night, the sun is our outer experiences, our ego, and how we interact with the world. Our moon is often more hidden; our internal and emotional world.
The nodes have always been considered a karmic symbol, representing our past and future, destiny or fate. In evolutionary astrology, the nodes of the moon bring the core message of the souls journey in this lifetime. Changing signs about every 18 months, the sign placement of the moons nodes in eclipse season, indicate the archetypal themes of the two signs in polarity that will be influencing us during this time.
So What Does it Mean?
This lunar eclipse wants emotional fulfilment, through authenticity, by connecting to the simple, tangible things in life that you truly desire, and bring you pleasure and joy.
The eclipse is happening in practical, earthy, peace loving Taurus. Venus, the ruler of Taurus is currently in Capricorn, forming a trine to Uranus in Taurus. Venus rules what we desire and how we feel about ourselves and others, relationships both to the people in our life, and other areas of our life including, work, family, health, nutrition. Currently Venus is out of bounds, adding an extra sense of wildness to this lunar eclipse. She isn’t as conservative, or restricted by expectation as she would be otherwise in Capricorn. Also aspecting Uranus who invites authenticity and transformative alignment, this Venus driven eclipse may stir up a great need or want, asking you to explore you true passions, and indulge a little.
The Sun is in Scorpio, a sign that knows how to transform, peel off the dead skin and get what it wants. Drawn to complexities, the intangible, mystery, and what is buried deep within us, the Sun will help to illuminate what has been brewing deep within us.
In Human Design, the Sun is in Gate 8, a gate that brings us a deep need to express our authentic self. This gate reaches fulfilment through the deepest expression of who we truly are. So this Full Moon Eclipse energy is bringing the power to release anything in our personal narrative that is blocking our authentic self-expression.
For this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, look at the houses in your chart where 27° Taurus and Scorpio reside. This may be an area where you need some extra freedom, go a little bit wild, or experience some drama.
For the next two years we are being invited to balance the archetypal themes of the Taurus/Scorpio polarity in our lives. Look at the video below to see the keywords for each sign.
Eclipse Season Therapies and Health Tips
It a full moon, so think water.
Stay hydrated, you may need more during this time.
Have a warm bath, or shower, visit the beach or take a river walk.
With all that Taurus and Venus energy, connect with the body.
Anything that evokes comfort and pleasure using the five senses will be beneficial at this time.
Get grounded, take your shoes off and walk in the grass.
Connect with nature, go for a walk, garden, or plant some flowers.
Eat warm and nourishing foods, root vegetables, stews, and use warming spices such as ginger and cinnamon.
Meditate and take some time for reflection. Consider the themes of desire, joy, pleasure and authenticity.
What truly brings you pleasure?
What satisfies and nourishes you?
What is your true passion?
What do you need to remove from your current life to make your life more authentic?
What is the one bold action you could take right now that would allow you to express who you are more authentically in the world?
Reduce obligations where possible and remember this is a time for observation and reflection, not action.
The last time we had an eclipse on the Taurus / Scorpio axis was November 2012 - October 2014. You could reflect on the themes that emerged during that time. Are you on your life path? What lessons begin nearly a decade ago, and how aligned are you with them right now?
For many, the eclipses of 2021 may not interact directly with their personal birth chart, however eclipses are powerful and significant both personally and for the collective. Whatever happens, try to stay grounded, and expect the unexpected. Where possible, let go of expectation and go with the flow. Life is a journey and this is just part of the ride.
For anyone needing a copy of their birth chart, or help locating the house that the Lunar eclipse will occur in. Contact me at info@bronwyncarroll.com